About Us

As I am writing this today , We never thought we would be where we are today. The track started as a small practice track for the boys to practice on and then it took its flight. Throughout the past couple of months we have been busy working countless of hot days and many cold nights. Fast food for dinner because we are too tired to cook anything for 11 people. Frustrations. Worry. Tears. Sweat. Blood. Anxiety. All of it. To where we are today and where we were at, we are truly blessed to have this opportunity to open this up OFFICIALLY.  But not only is this a racetrack for us. We as a family go to New Salem Baptist church in kodak TN and Johnny(one of the owners of the track) is the preacher for this small church that we all call home. We know that Jesus has blessed us with this opportunity for a reason. And that is to share the love of Jesus Christ and to spread the gospel. •Galatians 6:9• At the beginning of this journey we knew that it would be a struggle at first with amount of things that we had at the start. But the Bible tells us in • Romans 8:28• •Matthew 14• that he can make anything out of very small things those who do his will. All we had was land and red clay dirt and Jesus blessed us with the rest. Our goal as the crew and staff members want to make this a safe environment where families can come together and support one another in unity. And to leave with a smile on your face. We pray that you have patients with us being our first year and that you all understand that there will be hiccups along the way. We hope that you guys love and enjoy this new ordeal that is apart of us now. We love you all and we welcome you to Godspeed Raceway🏁